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Sumru - VTOL  UAV


Sumru is a Vertical Landing and Takeoff UAV system, all industrial design activities of which have been carried out by us from the concept stage for DASAL and Altınay Aviation and Advanced Technology. The system has 4 vertical axis rotors and 1 thrust rotor. With this structure, the basic product concept enables the UAV to take off without the need for a runway and to have a high range with its large wing area. The product was first introduced at Teknofest 2019.


Sumru has a payload capacity of 40 kg with its electric motors. Payload integrations are generallyintelligence and It is designed to perform reconnaissance/surveillance missions.



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With its body and wing structure, it can perform many different tasks in the fixed-wing UAV standard, such as the scenarios shown below. After completing its mission, Sumru reaches its landing area and can switch to vertical take-off and landing mode and land at the desired location. The point where it differs from other UAVs in terms of capability is that it can take off and land without the need for a runway.

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